Kuppa-hime クッパ姫, literally "Princess Koopa," and I'm writing this post, of course, because I think it's funny how the English name Bowsette and the Japanese name Kuppa-hime have almost nothing to do with each other.

(and of

If you don't know who Bowsette is, she's the gender-bent / rule 63 / this week. (it all began in 2018-09-19.)

kidnaps princesses? Yeah, that dude. He's become the very thing he had sought to destroy.


Unforeseeable for the artist, it turned viral, and within the same week there's already so much fan-art of her spammed through all corners of the internet there's already people sick and tired of seeing it wishing for the fad to end already.

And the reason for this popularity, as seen above, is .

And a villain attitude, maybe, but mostly oppai.

(is that last one

I mean, seriously, it's been only 7 days and there's already over 4000 pieces of fan-art on Pixiv alone. That's like, 1 new fan-art every 2 minutes.

Her own subreddit,

(sometimes dubbed Ni-pi Karaa Kuppa-Hime 2Pカラークッパ姫, "Player Two Color Bowsette," because of how in fighting games, such as Super Smash Bros., if two players pick the same character, the second one is different.)

Many thanks, internet.

Nobody could've planned for this. So the comic author didn't pick a name for the female Bowser he's created.

And the comic was in English.

So the English-speaking fandom scrambled for a name. Deciding on Bowsette or Bowserette. They chose these names probably because of the game the comic was parodying: New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, for the Nintendo Switch.

In the game, "Toadette," a pink mushroom-esque character (introduced in a previous game, Mario Kart: Double Dash!! ), can grab a "Super Crown" power-up to become "Peachette," which is exactly like the Princess Peach to the undiscerning eye, as shown in the trailer:

(but, like, Toadette is already a female character, right? That's why she becomes a princess. Since Bowser is male, shouldn't he become a prince instead by grabbing that crown?)

(sorry, that was a strange thing to ask.)

Anyway, the Japanese-speaking fandom also noticed this new Bowsette character, except they settled on the name Kuppa-hime クッパ姫 instead.

Bowsette isn't canon. It's a design a fan came up with in a piece of fan-art. And now there's fan-art of that fan-art. It's like the same thing that happened with Earth-chan except this time it's probably making a copyright lawyer lose sleep somewhere.

But what's important is: there's no official name, English or Japanese.

Except for the official names in English and Japanese of other, already-existing, canon characters. Like:
  • Piichi hime ピーチ姫
    Princess Peach.
  • Kinopio キノピオ
    (the male one that says the "princess is in another castle.")
  • Kinopiko キノピコ
    (this is literally the same name as Kinopio but with a ko ending instead because that's commonly found in girl's names.)
  • Kinopiichi キノピーチ
    (wait, what the... why... like, why they copied the piichi part. You're supposed to copy the hime part, like: kinohime, "Princess Toad," or something. I mean, Toadette already looks like a Toad ripoff, now she's also plagiarizing Peach. What's up with that?)

As you can see, the Toadette and Peachette that served as reference point for the English names Bowsette and Browserette don't exist in Japanese. So those names wouldn't make sense for the Japanese community.

So, instead, the Japanese name comes from Princess Peach's "princess," hime 姫, title and:
  • Dai-Maou Kuppa 大魔王クッパ
    Bowser. (not to be mistaken with a browser, which's something else entirely.)
    "Great Demon King Koopa." (literally.)
    ("demon king" is usually the title of the bad guy in games, like in Dragon Quest, and virtually every isekai anime that parodies Dragon Quest.)

Wow, Bowser's name was actually Koopa all along. Which makes the fact the cannon shoe fodder turtles, the "koopa troopas," are sometimes called "koopas" rather awkward.

And this is why Bowsette is called "Princess Bowser," a.k.a "Princess Koopa," Kuppa-hime クッパ姫 in Japanese: because "Bowser" in Japanese is Kuppa クッパ and the crown makes you like the "Princess Peach," Piichi-hime ピッチ姫.

Koopa Queen

You may have noticed that Bowser is a king, so maybe Bowsette shouldn't be "Princess Bowser" but "Queen Bowser," or "Queen Koopa," Kuppa-joou クッパ女王. However, that character already exists, and it's canon.

The Koopa Queen was featured in an old anime adaptation of Super Mario Bros., released as

Other Princesses' Names

Other characters also got

I'll be writing the names of some of the most popular ones below. They're pretty much the Japanese names of the Super Mario characters of the character plus the -hime suffix.

Booette / Princess King Boo

The Japanese name for Booette, a.k.a. Princess King Boo, is Kingu-Teresa-hime キングテレサ姫, literally "Princess King Teresa," which is rather weird, but I'll explain.

(this one is the most popular of the other ones, so have some pictures.)

In Japanese, King Boo is called kingu-teresa キングテレサ, "King Teresa," which might make you think his (wait, her?) name is Teresa, like some sort of Spanish name, but that's not it.

What happens is that teresa テレサ is the Japanese name for the "boo" ghost characters. A common trait of the boo ghosts is that they're shy and cover their faces when you look at them. "Feeling shy/embarrassed" in Japanese is tereru 照れる, while tere-sa 照れさ is literally "shyness."


The Japanese name for the Piranhette, a.k.a. Princess Piranha Plant, is Pakkun-Furawā-Hime パックンフラワー姫.

The name of the character, pakkun-furawā パックン・フラワー, is the strongly, pakkun—you know like the plant does as it tries to bite you—followed by the furawā フラワー.

So more-or-less "biting flower" or something like that.

Chain Chompette

The Japanese name for the Chain Chompette, a.k.a. Princess Chain Chomp, is Wanwan-hime ワンワン姫.

Now this is kinda rather awkward, because Chain Chomp's Japanese name turns out to be the

That's right, Chain Chomp was originally called "woof-woof," so the princess version is now then "Princess Woof-Woof."

Now, the reason for this official name is probably because Chain Chomp is like a dog that is chained somewhere and starts barking, wanwan, when you come closer.

(note that Chompette is also the official name of a carnivorous plant in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.)

Princess Bullet Bill


Uh... Bullet Bill's Japanese name is the katakanization of "killer," Kirā キラー, you know, like the one from Death Note.

So Princess Bullet Bill... erm, Bullet Billette? Bulletette? Whatever, would be Kirā-hime キラー姫, "Princess Killer," or you could even spell it Killer-hime.


Blooper's Japanese name is Gessō ゲッソー, so Blooperette would be Gessō-hime ゲッソー姫.

If you don't recall who Blooper is, it's the squid enemy. If you don't recall who the squid enemy is, well, then go play Mario.

This one's name seems to come from the word geso 下足,


Yoshi's Japanese name is... Yoshī ヨッシー.


So Yoshiette's Japanese name is literally "Princess Yoshi," Yoshī-hime ヨッシー姫.

And Yoshi is an abbreviation for:
  • Thii Yoshizaurusu Munchakuppasu
    T. ヨシザウルス・ムンチャクッパス
    T. Yoshisaurus Muchakoopas.


A Princess Goomba would be a Goombette, but that's already the official English name for a different character that's the female version of the Goomba, so watch out.

Anyway, the Japanese name for the Goomba is Kuribō クリボー. That's right, Kuribō! It's literally the same name as the Kuribou クリボー from Yugioh, except I

(Yu-gi-oh, by the way, can be romanized Yū-Gi-Ō or Yuu-Gi-Ou 遊☆戯☆王, "King of Games.")

So the Japanese name for the Goombette would be Kuribō-hime クリボー姫.


The Japanese name for the Thwompette is Dossun-hime ドッスン姫, "Princess Thwomp." And Thwomp's Japanese name is then Dossun ドッスン, of course.


Oooohhh... the block thing that keeps falling and kills you. Of course.

And Dossun ドッスン is called dossun because that's the sound it makes as it hits the ceiling, do-, and then starts falling, -ssun, to smash the floor.


Since turning random characters into Princess Peach-like princesses by putting a super crown on them became a thing, there's now a Japanese word for this process:
  • Piichi-hime-ka ピッチ姫化

This is exactly like the word suru する verb:
  • Piichi-hime-ka shita Kuppa ピーチ姫化したクッパ
    Princess-Peach-Fied Bowser.
  • Nyotai-ka shita Kuppa 女体化したクッパ
    Woman-body-fied Bowser.
    Gender-bent Bowser (to female only, nantaika 男体

    is to male.)

For reference, the name for Bowsette in Japanese isクッパ姫, literally "Princess Koopa," and I'm writing this post, of course, because I think it's funny how the English name Bowsette and the Japanese namehave almost nothing to do with each other.(and of Other Princesses too.)If you don't know who Bowsette is, she's the gender-bent / rule 63 / nyotaika 女体化 version of Bowser that turned into a meme overnight. (it all began in 2018-09-19.) So, someone made a comic featuring Bowser from Mario Bros. turning into a princess. You know, the bad turtle dude whoprincesses? Yeah,dude. the original comic is also on DeviantArt , as well as the sequel .)Unforeseeable for the artist, it turned viral, and within the same week there's already so much fan-art of her spammed through all corners of the internet there's already people sick and tired of seeing it wishing for the fad to end already.And the reason for this popularity, as seen above, isAnd a villain attitude, maybe, but mostly(is that last one Zettai Kuuiki ?)I mean, seriously, it's been only 7 days and there's already overpieces of fan-art on Pixiv alone. That's like, 1 new fan-artHer own subreddit, /r/bowsette , is already full of lewds, 99% NSFW, and people are already arguing whether the dark-skinned redhead Bowsette is better than the blonde one.(sometimes dubbed2Pカラークッパ姫, "Player Two Color Bowsette," because of how in fighting games, such as Super Smash Bros., if two players pick the same character, the second one is different.)Many thanks, internet.Nobody could've planned for. So the comic author didn't pick a name for the female Bowser he's created.And the comic was in English.So the English-speaking fandom scrambled for a name. Deciding onor. They chose these names probably because of the game the comic was parodying: New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe, for the Nintendo Switch.In the game, "Toad," a pink mushroom-esque character (introduced in a previous game, Mario Kart: Double Dash!!), can grab a "Super Crown" power-up to become "Peach," which is exactly like the Princess Peach to the undiscerning eye, as shown in the trailer:(but, like, Toadette is already a female character, right? That's why she becomes a princess. Since Bowser is male, shouldn't he become a prince instead by grabbing that crown?)(sorry, that was a strange thing to ask.)Anyway, the Japanese-speaking fandom also noticed this new Bowsette character, except they settled on the nameクッパ姫 instead.Bowsette isn't canon. It's a design a fan came up with in a piece of fan-art. And now there's fan-art of that fan-art. It's like the same thing that happened with Earth-chan except this time it's probably making a copyright lawyer lose sleep somewhere.But what's important is: there's no official name, English or Japanese.Except for the official names in English and Japanese of other, already-existing, canon characters. Like:As you can see, the Toadette and Peachette that served as reference point for the English names Bowsette and Browserette don't exist in Japanese. So those names wouldn't make sense for the Japanese community.So, instead, the Japanese name comes from Princess Peach's "princess,"姫, title and:Wow, Bowser's name was actually Koopa all along. Which makes the fact theshoe fodder turtles, the "koopa troopas," are sometimes called "koopas" rather awkward.And this is why Bowsette is called "Princess Bowser," a.k.a "Princess Koopa,"クッパ姫 in Japanese: because "" in Japanese isクッパ and the crown makes you like the "Peach,"ピッチ姫.You may have noticed that Bowser is a king, so maybe Bowsette shouldn't be "Princess Bowser" but "Bowser," or "Queen Koopa,"クッパ女王. However, that characterexists, andThe Koopa Queen was featured in an old anime adaptation of Super Mario Bros., released as OVA in 1989.Other characters also got "Princess-Peach-fied," even the ones that don't look at all human—so I suppose this is a kind of moe anthropomorphism , maybe? I don't know.I'll be writing the names of some of the most popular ones below. They're pretty much the Japanese names of the Super Mario characters of the character plus thesuffix.The Japanese name for Booette, a.k.a. Princess King Boo, isキングテレサ姫, literally "Princess King Teresa," which is rather weird, but I'll explain.(this one is the most popular of the other ones, so have some pictures.)In Japanese, King Boo is calledキングテレサ, "King Teresa," which might make you think his (wait, her?) name is Teresa, like some sort of Spanish name, but that's not it.What happens is thatテレサ is the Japanese name for the "boo" ghost characters. A common trait of the boo ghosts is that they're shy and cover their faces when you look at them. "Feeling shy/embarrassed" in Japanese is照れる, while照れさ is literally "shyness."The Japanese name for the Piranhette, a.k.a. Princess Piranha Plant, isパックンフラワー姫.The name of the character,パックン・フラワー, is the mimetic word for closing your mouth—you know like the plant does as it tries to bite you—followed by the katakanized English word "flower,"フラワー.So more-or-less "biting flower" or something like that.The Japanese name for the Chain Chompette, a.k.a. Princess Chain Chomp, isワンワン姫.Now this is kinda rather awkward, because Chain Chomp's Japanese name turns out to be the onomatopoeia for the barking sound dogs make: "woof-woof," or "bow-wow," wanwan ワンワン That's right, Chain Chomp was originally called "woof-woof," so the princess version is now then "Princess Woof-Woof."Now, the reason for this official name is probably because Chain Chomp is like a dog that is chained somewhere and starts barking,, when you come closer.(note that Chompette is also the official name of a carnivorous plant in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.)(what?)Uh... Bullet Bill's Japanese name is the katakanization of "killer,"キラー, you know, like the one from Death Note.So Princess Bullet Bill... erm, Bullet Billette? Bulletette? Whatever, would beキラー姫, "Princess Killer," or you could even spell itBlooper's Japanese name isゲッソー, so Blooperette would beゲッソー姫.If you don't recall who Blooper is, it's the squid enemy. If you don't recall who the squid enemy is, well, then go play Mario.This one's name seems to come from the word下足, the kanji means "lower legs," but the word refers to "squid tentacles." The character is a squid, you see. It has tentacles.Yoshi's Japanese name is...ヨッシー.Hallelujah!So Yoshiette's Japanese name is literally "Princess Yoshi,"ヨッシー姫.And Yoshi is an abbreviation for:A Princess Goomba would be a Goombette, but that's already the official English name for a different character that's the female version of the Goomba, so watch out.Anyway, the Japanese name for the Goomba isクリボー. That's right,! It's literally the same name as theクリボー from Yugioh, except I romanized it differently (Yu-gi-oh, by the way, can be romanizedor遊☆戯☆王, "King of Games.")So the Japanese name for the Goombette would beクリボー姫.The Japanese name for the Thwompette isドッスン姫, "Princess Thwomp." And Thwomp's Japanese name is thenドッスン, of course.(BUT WHAT IS A THWOMP?!?!)Oooohhh... the block thing that keeps falling and kills you. Of course.Andドッスン is calledbecause that's the sound it makes as it hits the ceiling,, and then starts falling,, to smash the floor.Since turning random characters into Princess Peach-like princesses by putting a super crown on them became a thing, there's now a Japanese word for this process:This is exactly like the word nyotaika 女体化 , "woman-body-fication," that's used to refer to gender-bending into a woman, e.g. Bowser turning into Bowsette. The grammar also works identically, with theする verb:

26 Sep 2018

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