otoko 男, dansei 男性, otokonoko 男の子.
Man. Male. Boy.
onna 女, josei 女性, onnanoko 女の子.
Woman. Female. Girl.
Trap / Apparent Gender
otokonoko 男の娘Boy who looks like a girl. (not necessarily a crossdresser)
Trap. Femboy.
Boy who looks like a girl. (not necessarily a crossdresser)Trap. Femboy.
onnanoko 雄んなの子
Girl who looks like a boy. (not necessarily a crossdresser, either)
Girl who looks like a boy. (not necessarily a crossdresser, either)Reverse-trap.
booisshu ボーイッシュ
Boy-ish. Girl who looks or acts like a boy, overlaps with onnanoko, but includes those that are unmistakably girls.
(also a fashion style)
Internet Gender
nekama ネカマGuy who plays a female character online, or pretends to be a girl online.
Guy who plays a female character online, or pretends to be a girl online.
nenabe オカマ
Girl who plays a male character online, or pretends to be a guy online.
Girl who plays a male character online, or pretends to be a guy online.
josou 女装Guys dressing up like girls, wearing "female clothes."
Guys dressing up like girls, wearing "female clothes."
dansou 男装
Girls dressing up like guys, wearing "male clothes."
Girls dressing up like guys, wearing "male clothes."
nyotaika 女体化Turning into a woman.
Turning into a woman.
nantaika 男体化
Turning into a man.
Turning into a man.
seitenkan 性転換
Sex-change. Gender-switch.
toransugendaa トランスジェンダー
han'in'you 半陰陽
shiyuudoutai 雌雄同体
Hermaphrodite. (generally applied to animals, not people.)
Okama Family
okama オカマEffeminate man. Gay, or crossdresser, or transgender, etc.
Generally uses female speech and claims to have the heart of a woman.
Vague word. (practically applies only to adult characters in anime.)
Effeminate man. Gay, or crossdresser, or transgender, etc.Generally uses female speech and claims to have the heart of a woman.Vague word. (practically applies only to adult characters in anime.)
onabe オナベ
Masculine woman. Lesbian, or crossdresser, or transgender, etc.
In anime, generally acts like a man because of some weird plot reasons.
(okama's counterpart)
Masculine woman. Lesbian, or crossdresser, or transgender, etc.In anime, generally acts like a man because of some weird plot reasons.'s counterpart)
Newhalf Family
nyuuhaafu ニューハーフNew-half.
Male-to-female transgender. Transgender woman.
(specially those working in the entertainment industry.)
New-half.Male-to-female transgender. Transgender woman.(specially those working in the entertainment industry.)
neohaafu ネオハーフ
nyuubooi ニューボーイ
Neo-half. New-boy.
Female-to-male transgender. Transgender man.
(more recent that newhalf, not very common)
shiimeeru シーメール
Shemale. (according to Pixiv, used toward transgender women with boobs.)
Futanari Family
futanari ふたなりGenerally a female character with boobs, penis and vagina.
Sometimes synonymous with hermaphrodite, shiyuudoutai.
In some cases, no vagina.
Generally a female character with boobs, penis and vagina.Sometimes synonymous with hermaphrodite,In some cases, no vagina.
otokofutanari 男ふたなり
Male futanari. A futanari, but instead of a woman, it's a man.
A man with a penis and a vagina. (muscles instead of boobs)
Male. A, but instead of a woman, it's a man.A man with a penis and a vagina. (muscles instead of boobs)
gyaku-futanari 逆ふたなり
Instead of replacing a woman's vagina with a penis, replace a man's penis with a vagina.
This never counts as a hermaphrodite, by the way.
In English another term for it is "cuntboy."
Reverse-Instead of replacing a woman's vagina with a penis, replace a man's penis with a vagina.This never counts as a hermaphrodite, by the way.In English another term for it is "cuntboy."
Hideyoshi 秀吉
The gender of Hideyoshi Kinoshita 秀吉木下, from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu.
As of writing, the only canonically hermaphrodite / futanari character found in anime was Mill from Maze, however, the character is only a hermaphrodite in the manga, and was changed to female in the anime adaptation.
Originally I wanted to use Poison in the example chart, but it seems she was originally female and changed to a transgender woman due to censorship.
In Sword Art Online II, the "female" Kirito is actually male, a trap. It still sort of counts as nekama since he pretended his avatar was a girl at times. I couldn't find another nekama character whose nekama-ness was both memorable and the fact didn't spoil the story.
The anime Mahou Shoujo Ore hasn't even aired yet, the images are from the promotional video. It was the best thing I could find to match Ranma 1/2.
The only intersex character I know of is in the anime Level E. and the only character of Hideyoshi gender I know is from Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu. The more obscure reverse futanari, male futanari, and neohalf/newboy sounded so obscure I didn't even bother looking for instances of them in anime for general audiences.
For reference, an overview of Japanese gender-bender terms used toward anime characters.半陰陽Intersex.雌雄同体Hermaphrodite. (generally applied to animals, not people.)ニューボーイNeo-half. New-boy.Female-to-male transgender. Transgender man.(more recent that newhalf, not very common)
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