joshi 助詞, and that might sound weird to people who just started learning Japanese. After all, what are particles? Are there particles in English or something like it? And how do the particles work? Th…
A blog about love for anime, manga, games, toys, Japanese learning, Japanese culture... everything Japanese!
joshi 助詞, and that might sound weird to people who just started learning Japanese. After all, what are particles? Are there particles in English or something like it? And how do the particles work? Th…
ha は is sometimes pronounced wa. This is even there's already another hiragana specifically for the syllable wa わ. So how can you tell if は is pronounced wa or ha in a phrase? Is there even a way? Is…
ahoge before. It refers to those hairs that don't behave and spring up from the head of characters. They usually look like a banana or a crescent moon. But what does the word ahoge means in Japanese? …
kana in the Japanese hiragana can be easy to confuse sometimes. There's mi み, ro ろ and ru る, and they all look like 3's, but luckily it stops there, right? Except when you encounter the rare wi ゐ and …
ma マ, but it's always next to kanji, so it's a kanji, right? Anyway, it makes you wonder: "what is 々 and why does it have so many readings? What does it mean?" If you have been reading Japanese for …
masu ます or mashita ました, and that might make you wonder: what does masu means? What does mashita means? Why all these words end like that? You have ever watched anime you might have noticed that there …
Gyakuten Saiban 逆転裁判, also known as Ace Attorney, where the lawyer Naruhodo Ryuuichi 成歩堂龍一, a.k.a. Phoenix Wright goes around lawyering miraculously. Since this is really fun game with a lot of Japane…
Say you like manga and anime, things made in Japan, in Japanese. One day you feel a calling: you got to learn Japanese, because you love this stuff, and this stuff is in Japanese. Not knowing Japanes…
chira ちら, they are: kochira こちら, sochira そちら, achira あちら and dochira どちら. Amongst these, dochira is the most common, while the words are often spoken in dialogues, but what do they really mean? kochir…
kakkoii かっこいい, or if you like separating things, kakko ii カッコ良い. And let's not forget about its antonym, kakkowarui かっこわるい, or kakko warui カッコ悪い. These two words often have a number of different trans…
hito 人, the sword nin 人 and the word jin 人 all have the same kanji in Japanese but different, related meanings? If you didn't know that, now you do. But do you know what their meanings and differences…
KonoSuba このすば (if not you should) you might have noticed the character Megumin chants her "explosion" magic with a certain peculiar word: bakuretsu 爆裂. However, there's the more common bakuhatsu 爆発 wh…
o お or go ご. The 御 is O or Go? The honorific prefix can be either o お or go ご, and it's normally written with hiragana. It may be written with kanji, as 御, but that rarely happens. For example, oni…
ojisan, ojiisan, obasan and obaasan. Yep. Four words. Both ojisan and ojiisan and obasan and obaasan are different words. They aren't the same word at all, they just sound very alike. So you might h…
Why Are Honorifics Used Turns out this is a matter of Japanese culture rather than the Japanese language. In Japan, using honorifics with people's names is sort of a big deal. It's an extremely norm…
anime アニメ, right? Anime is the best. Truly the greatest of all modern arts. Both you and me know this. If you don't, then, well, I don't know what you're doing in this blog. Anime is good and all, but…
Have you ever wondered what are the letters of the Japanese alphabet? Sure you've heard the stories, the legends? About how there are mo... …
gessou 月相, for a reason or another. Like the full Moon, for example. Or the full Moon. The full Moon. And... the full Moon. And also, of course, the red, blood Moon. Anyway, this time I'll talk about …
Writing System Basics Special Characters & Symbols Rare Kana Kanji Homonyms & Variations Script Choice Loaned Words The first thing you should get acquainted with if you are beginning to le…
A Ahegao アヘ顔 Aho アホ Ahoge アホ毛 Ai 愛 Aitsu あいつ Anata 貴方 Ane 姉 Aneue 姉上 Ani 兄 Aniki 兄貴 Anime アニメ Ano あの Anta あんた Asoko あそこ Are あれ B Baka 馬鹿 Bakana! バカな! Bara 薔薇 Betsuni 別に Bijin 美人 Bijo 美女 Bishounen 美少年…
Post a comment below with your request! Do you want to know the meaning of something in Japanese you saw in anime, manga or game but you don't know where to ask?Post a comment below with your request…
Basic iromei 色名 Let's start with the basic names. Starting with the neutral colors," or musaishoku 無彩色. Now the "primary colors", genshoku 原色 (related: And finally, the "secondary colors", niji…
How to Install Chrome Users Firefox Users Get it here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jisho-kioku/ Opera & Other Chromium Browsers Download jisho-kioku.crx from dropbox: Download jis…