kana in the Japanese hiragana can be easy to confuse sometimes. There's mi み, ro ろ and ru る, and they all look like 3's, but luckily it stops there, right? Except when you encounter the rare wi ゐ and we ゑ which are hiragana too and look like some weird versions of first three! Just what are those kana? Since when do they exist? Weren't the kana in the w row just wa わ and wo を?!
Thein the Japanesecan be easy to confuse sometimes. There'sみ,ろ andる, and they all look like 3's, but luckily it stops there, right? Except when you encounter the rareゐ andゑ which aretoo and look like some weird versions of first three! Just what are those? Since when do they exist? Weren't the kana in therow justわ andを?!
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