There is something fascinating about pixel art, especially the early 8-bit days. The Japanese artist Yuuta Toyoi thinks so too and cherry picked beautiful moments from everyday Japanese city life and made them into 8-bit GIFs. The scenes heavily remind me of the equally beautiful book Tokyo Tabi Sanpo by Florent Chavouet who spent some time in Tokyo and instead of taking pictures with his camera just made some sketches in his notebook.

I just love films about everyday Japanese live and pixel art in general just has something hypnotizing to it. If he would decide to make some high quality prints I’d definitely order one for the right price. Just sayin’.

Yuuta is currently living together with his three cats in the mountains of Kumano which is part of the Wakayama prefecture. He is suffering from a social anxiety disorder and needs all the support he can get. So if you like his work why don’ you head over to his Patreon page where you can support him with a small token of your appreciation. And make sure to bookmark his blog as well where more 8-bit goodness will happen very soon.


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