The biggest obstacle when trying to learn Japanese or trying to learn anything is motivation. I know it sounds obvious that you need the proper motivation to achieve s…
A blog about love for anime, manga, games, toys, Japanese learning, Japanese culture... everything Japanese!
The biggest obstacle when trying to learn Japanese or trying to learn anything is motivation. I know it sounds obvious that you need the proper motivation to achieve s…
gogogogo ゴゴゴゴ, and then asked yourself: what does it mean??? Definition The word gogogogo ゴゴゴゴ is a kind-of like an onomatopoeia that was made up by the author of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, JoJo no K…
Piichi-hime-ka ピーチ姫化, literally "turning into Princess Peach," is the term for turning characters into Princess Peach-like characters by putting a Super Crown on them. Also spelled peachfication or pe…
gogogogo ゴゴゴゴ, and then asked yourself: what does it mean??? If you have read JoJo, or if you spent too much time on the internet browsing anime memes, you've probably come across this bizarre word …
romaji. For example, arigato, arigatō and arigatou. Or kohai, kōhai, and kouhai. Or senpai and sempai. Or on'yomi and onyomi. Or "monster" being monsutaa, monsutā or left as literally monster in romaj…