You may know by now that I’m, not the biggest fan of recent Shonen JUMP releases but there is still a very big, warm spot inside my heart for Dragon Ball. When the last chapter of that legendary title…
12 Jun 2018A Japanese hostel that looks like a manga store
Book and Bed, please share your experiences.
The Tokyo locations are located in Ikebukuro, Asakusa, and Shinjuku. A busy district with lots of business hotels and places to shop. It wasn’t exactly my favorite part of the city but it never hurts to try out a novelty. The rates for the standard room are 4,800¥ and 3,800¥ for the compact one.
If you’re actually looking for a cheap place to stay I only heard good things about Juyoh. Very affordable rates and it has a family like atmosphere to it. But with the drawback that it’s not exactly in the heart of the city.
If you want to experience a city as closely and authentic as possible I can personally recommend staying with a guest family. Price wise it should be on par with a cheap hostel but with the chance to actually live with a Japanese family. An experience no Hotel can provide. Of course, you have to be open towards living pretty closely with people you never met before. But if you don’t need an especially relaxing vacation with lots of privacy you should definitely think about it.
I stayed with a host family for nearly four weeks myself. Lovely people with a cozy home in Gakugeidaigaku. Just a few stations away from lovely Nakameguro, Shibuya or Harajuku. When the time finally comes for me and I can travel to Japan again that would be the area where I wanted to be located. A calm residential area with few tourists and the feeling that only locals are frequenting the surrounding bars and shops.
But I’m getting adrift here. The Book and Bed location in Kyoto looks absolutely stunning and I really would love to go for a Book and Beer now.
Book and Bed is the Japanese dream hostel for every manga and book aficionado. With locations in Kyoto, Tokyo, and Fukuoka you can sleep behind a wall of comics and choose from hundreds of various tit…
Katsura Hashino talks Persona 5, life and his new project

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Easy to read manga Vol. 04 – A mixed bag
When I started to read manga I was always looking for the ones which contain furigana to make picking up new vocab easier. On top of that, I was under the impression t…