kimochi 気持ち. Sometimes it's just kimochi, other times it's kimochi ii 気持ちいい, other times, it's kimochi warui 気持ち悪い. But what does it really mean? What's the difference here? Kimochi 気持ち Well, to be…
A blog about love for anime, manga, games, toys, Japanese learning, Japanese culture... everything Japanese!
kimochi 気持ち. Sometimes it's just kimochi, other times it's kimochi ii 気持ちいい, other times, it's kimochi warui 気持ち悪い. But what does it really mean? What's the difference here? Kimochi 気持ち Well, to be…
natsu 夏 Summer. haru 春 Spring. fuyu 冬 Winter. aki 秋 Autumn. kisetsu 季節. And the word for the "four seasons" in Japanese is the kanji for "season," see: shiki 四季.A single "season" is called a季節. And t…
yojijukugo 四字熟語 is literally a "four-character idiom," that is, an idiom written with exactly four . This word is sometimes misread as shijijukugo, because the shi or yon. Concept How exactly yojij…
jukujikun 熟字訓 is a special type of kanji reading, literally a "kanji compound kun [reading]." It mostly happens when a single instead of one. For example: hito 人 Person Kun'yomi, one morpheme, one…
Basically, it's because of how the words are pronounced.When you have a word like学校, it's easier to pronounce it asthan it is to pronounce it as. The tongue slips. People have been saying it that way…
Furigana are very comfortable when you have too look up unknown words but if you already have a decent Kanji and vocabulary knowledge, it can be a quite rewarding expe…
I love all my books and manga and always try to protect them the best way possible. On my visit to Tokyo I discovered these lovely book protective sleeves at K-Books i…
romaji. For example, arigato, arigatō and arigatou. Or kohai, kōhai, and kouhai. Or senpai and sempai. Or on'yomi and onyomi. Or even "cake" turning into keeki, kēki and keki ケーキ. After all, what's th…
shounen anime to talk about friendship, friends, partners, colleagues, teammates, and stuff like that, is nakama 仲間. It is no wonder, then, that it can be kinda hard to figure out what nakama means ex…
romaji in the ? And why? The answer is: various people. And they did it in multiple ways, for different purposes. That's right, romaji isn't as simple as you thought. There are different system of ro…
How to Install Firefox Users Get it here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/jisho-kioku/ The Rest (unfortunately I need to pay a $5 fee to get the extension on Google Play and I'm havin…