Nintendo has proclaimed 2013 to be "The Year of Luigi": a long overdue celebration of Mario's underdog brother. There are already a few Luigi-themed (or at least partially related) releases to come l…
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity (3DS)
With the Pokémon series nearly ready to celebrate its 18th birthday next year, some of its many spin-offs have become enduring gaming traditions in their own right. The Mystery Dungeon games are a pr…
Review: Mario Tennis Open (3DS)
Camelot's revered Mario Tennis series has a split legacy: on home consoles as a primarily multiplayer-focused insane-o-thon, and on portables as a more solo-oriented sports RPG. Mario Tennis Open fal…
Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D (3DS)
It's easy to forget, as Nintendo has seemingly decided that it's no longer a definitive unique selling point, but the 3DS has a fantastic stereoscopic 3D screen. It's tempting to be blase about it, b…
RPGFan News - Warriors of the Sky Update Available for Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization

Bandai Namco Entertainment has released a new update for Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization titled Warriors of the Sky. This free large scale update allows players to enter Sacrament Dungeon 3, gi…